Deckled Edge Prints

Deckled edge prints have a gorgeously feathered edge which feels like they have been discovered between the pages of a long-lost antique.

All prints are made by hand and are printed on Cotton Rag Paper.

You can have a thick white border (1st illustration) or a small white border (2nd illustration) or a bleed border (3rd illustration).

Current pricing for year 2021

Deckled Edge Cotton Paper Prints

4x6” (10x15cm) = 20.00 EUR

5x7” (13x18cm) = 23.00 EUR

6x8” (15x20cm) = 28.00 EUR

8x10” (20x25cm) = 43.00 EUR

8x12” (20x30cm) = 50.00 EUR

Not sure about deckled edge prints? We also offer traditional cut Cotton Paper prints made by hand

4x6” (10x15cm) = 16.00 EUR

5x7” (13x18cm) = 17.00 EUR

6x8” (15x20cm) = 19.00 EUR

8x10” (20x25cm) = 23.00 EUR

8x12” (20x30cm) = 24.00 EUR

As well as traditional cut Matte Paper prints, made by hand

4x6” (10x15cm) = 12.00 EUR

5x7” (13x18cm) = 13.00 EUR

6x8” (15x20cm) = 17.00 EUR

8x10” (20x25cm) = 20.00 EUR

8x12” (20x30cm) = 22.00 EUR

Prices are without shipping & handling

For US & North American clients please contact us for our current pricing in USD

Additional add ons such as Wooden Print Box, Clamshell Print Box, Clamshell Print Box + USB can be purchased separately

Contact us for options and current rates

hand torn cotton photo prints I Prague Photographer Services

pre weddings I engagements I post weddings I lifestyle I portraits I couples

Address (appointment only)

Petřinska 41/4

P-5 Mala Strana

150 00 Czech Republic

the studio in Mala Strana is open by appointment only